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Standards Resource Directory



Working with a family-centered approach that values families and recognizes them as integral to the Program.                         


Free Resources


Children's Trust Fund Alliance Protective Factors Training is a 14-hour online training on the Strengthening Families Protective Factor Framework that has served more than 50,000 learners. Developed by: Children's Trust Fund Alliance. 


Creating Effective Parent-Practitioner Collaboration is an online course that was developed for CBCAP State Lead Agencies, practitioners, parents and others interested in working in partnership to develop effective family support and child abuse prevention programs. This training utilizes the protective factors framework and offers strategies for those seeking ways to identify, support and involve parent partners, build authentic relationships and work collaboratively on better outcomes for children, families, and communities. Developed by: FRIENDS.

Online Resources

Father Presence Infographics are promotional and public awareness materials on the benefits of father engagementDeveloped by: National Fatherhood Initiative.

Responsible Fatherhood Toolkit for resources around engaging all types of fathers and program resources. Developed by: National Responsible Fatherhood Clearinghouse.

Family Resource Centers: Best Practice Model describes an FRC model for best practice which is in development in the state of Wisconsin specifically, but the purpose, role, foundational principles, and structure of FRCs describes applies to other states. Developed by: Child Abuse & Neglect Prevention Board.                            

Friends Resources on Parent Education & Support, including: 

  • Meaningful Parent Leadership: Building Effective Parent/Practitioner Collaboration (in English & Spanish)

  • Parent Leadership Self-Assessment Tool

  • Family Leadership Self-Asssement Tool

  • Parent Education

  • Parent Leadership Development Checklist

  • Role of Parent Mutual Support  

Developed by: FRIENDS.   

Parent Engagement Tool Kit describes the seven elements that must be present for effective parent engagement. Developed by: Parent Information Center. 

Engaging Fathers highlights the critical role that a father plays in children’s development and is an essential partner in preventing maltreatment and achieving timely permanence. A range of organizational strategies and resources are available for child welfare leaders who want to support fatherhood initiatives and interventions better to improve children’s safety, permanency, and well-being. Developed by: Casey Family Programs.                             

What is Trauma-Informed Care? include downloadable PDFs and Action Plans. 

Developed by: Trauma-Informed Care: Implementation Resource Center.

Ripples of Transformation family engagement tool kit for providers and program leaders. Developed by: Center for the Study of Social Policy.

FRIENDS: Family Support Podcast navigates family relationships during crises while living with young children, older adolescents, and young adults. Listeners can also learn more about self-compassion and the benefits of sharing compassion with others. Developed by: FRIENDS.

Fatherhood Webinar Series is a collection that works collaboratively with the University of Wisconsin Institute for Research on Poverty, and the University of Wisconsin School of Social Work. Developed by: Wisconsin Child Abuse & Neglect Prevention Board.                            

Alliance Community Café Guide for Hosts: Changing the Lives of Children through Conversations that Matter includes a guide to creating Community Cafes. Must create account to access. Developed by Children's Trust Fund Alliance.

Books & Articles

Meaningful Parent Leadership: Building Effective Parent/Practioner Collaboration is designed to enhance the engagement of parents as stakeholders and partners within their programs and organizations. Developed by: FRIENDS National Center for CBCAP

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